Medicare Claims Data
The Medicare Standard Analytic Files (SAFs) - the claims data - are an exceptionally rich data source for detailed patient, provider, market and economic analyses. MCDA holds the data for all sites of care except Part D drug data, including physician, clinical lab, inpatient hospital, outpatient hospital, skilled nursing, home health agency, hospice, and durable medical equipment.

Medicare Cost Reports
Each quarter, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services releases the most recent available cost report data for hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, hospices, and health clinics. The cost reports include valuable data on costs and revenues to each provider, staffing information, volumes of patients paid under Medicare, Medicaid and other payers, as well as many other data. MCDA maintains a version of the cost report database to quickly include point-in-time or time series analyses into broader projects.

Physician Fee Schedule Practice Expense Replication
MCDA maintains a full replication of the CMS Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) Practice Expense (PE) calculation, used to determine payments to physicians and suppliers under Medicare. We use this database primarily for simulating the payment rates that would result from PFS policy and methodology changes, as well as supporting applications for new Common Procedure Terminology (CPT) codes.

COVID-19 Case and Risk Data
MCDA is maintaining an expanding database of COVID-19 outbreak data for the nation, currently including all available county-level case and death data, as well as detailed healthcare provider-level data where available. In addition, MCDA is maintaining an evolving suite of models of patient, provider and community risk of COVID-19 outbreaks and outcomes as additional data are released.

Population Data
MCDA's database includes a wide variety of population data to augment healthcare projects, including person-level historical and forecast simulation of the US population 2009-2040. We regularly use these actual and modeled data in market, healthcare demand, and other analyses.

Provider and Geographic Data
MCDA maintains a database of all federally certified physicians and other healthcare providers operating in the United States, with exact physical locations of each provider geocoded to support market and other analyses. In projects, these data are merged with claims data and other healthcare provider data.